Saturday, May 20, 2017

AWS Powershell Tools Snippets: S3 Multipart Upload Cleanup

My company does quite a bit with AWS S3. We use it to store static files and images, we push backups to it, we use it to deliver application artifacts, and the list goes on.

When you push a significant amount of data to and from S3, you're bound to experience some network interruptions that could stop an upload. Most of the time S3 clients will recover on their own, but there are some cases where it might struggle.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

WannaCry: Finding where SMB is allowed in AWS

WannaCry is the latest ransomware to sweep the internet and cause lots of excitement. As occasionally happens with well publicized security events like this I got to hear a former firewall admins favorite words: "Can you please take away a bunch of network access?" What fun!

I love blocking traffic as much as the next guy, but it's not a great idea to just change firewall rules willy nilly. You should always spend a little time thinking about the impacting and looking at what access it's prudent to remove. In this post I'll list a couple of the commands I used to poke around our AWS Security groups and find where SMB was allowed.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Auditing AWS IAM Users

Like any other company with sensitive data we go through audits pretty regularly. The latest one included some questions about accounts that have access to sensitive data, and the number of auth factors required to log into them.

As usual I started digging around in the AWS Powershell Tools to find a way to make this job easier than just manually looking through accounts, and I quickly found Request-IAMCredentialReport and Get-IAMCredentialReport.